Congrats to my friend Morgan on the launch of his first book this week. He’s in the top 100 books being sold in the world right now according to Amazon, which is both amazing and extremely well-deserved. Pick up The Psychology of Money and you’ll understand why it’s such a monster success.
This week on the podcast, I addressed the new wave of volatility we’ve seen rippling through the stock market this week – and why this kind of thing always makes traders and market historians a little bit extra jittery when it occurs this time of year. Please give “Why Markets Crash in the Fall” and let me know what you think. The full Morgan Housel interview is on there if you prefer to listen rather than watch.
I’m still getting the hang of the whole podcasting thing but I’m having a lot of fun learning the ropes.

Also happy to report that this week I move into brand new office space a few miles from my home. With the kids doing Zoom school all over the house, it was just time to get back out and reclaim my concentration. I miss Manhattan and will be back in the city sporadically, but with no one to see and nothing to do there, I had to find a middle ground. Think I’m good now.
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: