How I learned to stop worrying and love the Russian invasion. (HumbleStudent)
Tensions calm down in the Ukraine as Putin orders the end of “military exercises”, gold sells off. (Bloomberg)
Will Russia’s moves push Poland’s adoption of the euro? (beyondbrics)
Kremlin dumbass making dumbass threats regarding toppling the US financial system. He should turn around and look at his own economic shitshow. (BusinessInsider)
Warren Buffett has a really novel way of compensating his protege hedge fund managers – no way traditional hedge funds would ever adopt this model. (JoeKusnan)
Why forecasting is an interesting exercise but its output is mostly nonsense. (TRB)
Joe Davis explains why emerging markets volatility is probably not globally contagious. (Vanguard)
What does Morgan Stanley’s lame new acronym “M1KE” stand for? (MoneyBeat)
Facebook is getting into the drone business – I’m thinking robot selfies? (TechCrunch)
Seth Klarman’s new investor letter is out, he’s talking about how the Fed has created a “Truman Show Economy”. (ValueWalk)
Bill Maher floats the idea of a “maximum wage” – something the founding fathers actually discussed back in the day. (DangerousMinds)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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