October 2013

Barry Talks Our Book

My partner Barry went over our basic market views in a new interview with Wally Forbes the other day which has just been published at Forbes. Here’s a bit on how we think about potential scenarios for equities: Here’s the thing I think most people have a hard time understanding and putting into context. To…

‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ Cast in WSJ

In theaters next month, the glitzy, audacious blockbuster is based on real-life rogue trader Jordan Belfort memoir of his 1990s pump-and-dump flameout, during which he launched the infamous Stratton Oakmont “boiler room” brokerage, inflicted over $200 million of losses on investors and sunk a 167-foot yacht—all on his way to a federal indictment for securities…

Bill Fleckenstein’s Back

File this under Noteworthy Anecdotes… Bill Fleckenstein, skeptical hedge fund manager, noted short-seller and the author of Greenspan’s Bubbles is getting the band back together. According to Herb Greenberg at TheStreet.com. Flecksein is relaunching his short fund: “For four years and counting, there was no reason to think about shorting,” he told me. “I survived…

361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing

361 Capital portfolio manager, Blaine Rollins, CFA, previously manager of the Janus Fund, writes a weekly update looking back on major moves, macro-trends and economic data points. The 361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing summarizes the latest market news along with some interesting facts and a touch of humor. 361 Capital is a provider of alternative…

Highlights and Impressions from The Big Picture Conference 2013

I’m finally getting caught up this week after a whirlwind conference-related stuff and I wanted to jot down a few thoughts about the event itself. For starters, all of you who came and shared the day with us – you guys are amazing. I really enjoyed talking with you and learning about your businesses and…

A Tale of Two Dows (or why we invest globally)

In the first half of this year, running a globally-allocated portfolio looked and felt humiliating in the shadow of a US-only, S&P or Nasdaq focused racehorse. At one point, the trouncing was so pronounced that I documented a few of the comments I’d been hearing from my colleagues (see: Anecdotally… from July 25th). But the…