What I'm reading this morning:

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning…
BAML’s Michael Hartnett sees a scenario where bond yields and equities move up together in some sort of “Velvet Rotation”, which I believe is a term he picked up from HBO’s “Behind the Candelabra” movie. (FTAlphaville)
Tesla Supercharger Network Expands To Become Almost Feasible (FloatingPath)
ABout those guys who claim to have “predicted the crisis”… (Noahpinion)
Is the energy sector about to break out (finally)? (TheArmoTrader)
Emerging markets ETFs have not had a grea go of lately and are now sitting on long-term support levels. (ETFTrends)
How many internship applications do you think Goldman Sachs got this year? (MoneyBeat)
Frazer Rice is worried that he’s going to be pushed into the iWatch and that he’s going to love it. (FrazerRice)
The Starbucks of marijuana. (TIME)
Four different visions of what New York’s Penn Station could be rebuilt as. (WNYC)
The 11 strangest fads throughout history. (DeathandTaxes)
Don’t miss The Takeaway, my daily linkfest for financial advisors (InvestmentNews)
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