West, Texas fertilizer plant explodes overnight, viral video of it is unnerving. (TheAtlantic)
90% of Americans (and 80% of Republicans) wanted tougher background checks for gun buyers. So of course, those corrupt fucking psychos in the Senate voted it down. Gabby Giffords is incensed: (NYT)
Rich art dealer scion gets caught up in Russian Mafia – celebrity poker game bust. Quite a tale. (NYP)
Justin Fox: The Reinhart & Rogoff dust-up shouldn’t surprise you, macroeconomics is kind of a clown show based on small sample sets and unproven assumptions anyway. (HBR)
Today in 1991 – Nirvana debuts ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit” and knocks the world off its axis. (MentalFloss)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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