Today’s must-read from Chrystia Freeland: “The growing antagonism of the super-wealthy toward Obama can seem mystifying, since Obama has served the rich quite well.” (NewYorker)
The Value Investing Congress gets underway this morning in NYC (I’ll be there for you), here’s how the managers’ picks from last year have fared: (CNNMoney)
John Hussman’s latest market commentary, Leap of Faith. Executive summary: You’re all f*&%ing crazy. (HussmanFunds)
You’ve probably never heard of the biggest hedge fund in the world, it’s the one that runs Apple’s cash… (ZeroHedge)
A new record for Euro-region unemployment – 11.4%! Winning! (Bloomberg)
The single most bullish data point – Fidelity is now managing more money in bonds/cash than equities! (PhilPearlman) and (TBP)
Sorry, the fed is not causing inflation – rather, it is just barely causing things to not deflate. (CassandraDoesTokyo)
Leigh Drogen: People will believe statistics but they won’t accept them in the absence of a story that helps it make sense. (SurfviewCapital)
NYT: We’re going to drop F-bombs from now on. (McSweeneys)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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