Mario Draghi is probably bluffing about the ECB being “all in.” (NakedCapitalism)
But the ECB may be thinking the unthinkable – the mega-print could be five weeks away. (Reuters)
What is the Draghi Point? ” This is the point where if promises are backed by solid action good things will happen but if they are not, hell may break loose.” (PriceActionLab)
The Fed is “at the end of their rope” and “you can’t rule anything out.” Great. (Bloomberg)
Forget your cost basis, because all good investment decisions are forward-thinking. (AlephBlog)
Get ready for the next wave of Apple products as the company begins sourcing components. (AllThingsD)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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