What I'm reading this morning:

The Sedlec Ossuary
Stuff I’m Reading this Morning…
Overseas markets sell off over US consumer confidence fears (they’re worried we’ll stop buying their crap). (Bloomberg)
George Soros on the markets and which hard assets stocks he’s buying. (PragCap)
Remember the DC Sniper? Sayonara motherf%$#er. (NYP)
The Fly on CNBC‘s traffic…and his own. (iBankCoin)
Todd Harrison talks about the future of the hedge fund biz. (WallStCheatSheet)
3 American companies who love the weak US dollar. (SmartMoney)
A new group of cities are starting to feel the foreclosure flavor. (CNNMoney)
The Six Creepiest Places on Earth. (Cracked)
- Overseas markets sell off over US consumer confidence fears (they're worried we'll stop buying their crap). (Bloomberg)
- George Soros on the markets and which hard assets stocks he's buying. (PragCap)
- Remember the DC Sniper? Sayonara motherf%$#er. (NYP)
- The Fly on CNBC's traffic...and his own. (iBankCoin)
- Todd Harrison talks about the future of the hedge fund biz. (WallStCheatSheet)
- 3 American companies who love the weak US dollar. (SmartMoney)
- A new group of cities are starting to feel the foreclosure flavor. (CNNMoney)
- The Six Creepiest Places on Earth. (Cracked)