In which TRB writes faux headlines and enjoins you to play a new game for financial blog nerds.
Financial Blogs
Financial Bloggers All-Star Team
New Rules of Investing on the Blogosphere.
Blogger Backlash to the Backlash Begins
Let’s say that you’re a market commentator or financial blogger… If earlier this year you predicted that unemployment would climb higher than 10% and that the market would be crushed, would you now be considered half-right or half-wrong by your followers? Will you be rewarded for nailing the unemployment number or hated for keeping readers out…
3Com Insider Trading Probe In Effect
The SEC is looking into what many people are calling a blatant sign of insider info on the Hewlett-Packard for 3Com acquisition according to Bloomberg (hat tip Zero Hedge). In case you missed it: More than 8,000 3Com calls changed hands on Nov. 11, 17 times the four-week average. The most active were contracts conveying…
The Periodic Table of Finance Bloggers
Click Image to Embiggen! I’ve been asked several times to update my finance blogger list, so I figured on the week of The Reformed Broker’s first anniversary, I’d oblige. Everyone listed on The Periodic Table of Finance Bloggers has either inspired, educated or entertained me in some way, so I figured I’d return the favor. …
Finance Blogger Feud Week
So apparently, this is Finance Blogger Feud Week! Get your programs! Last week’s Felix Salmon versus Zero Hedge dustup was merely a prelude for what was to come to this week. Two biggies to report so far:
New York Magazine on the Financial Blogosphere
Wall Street’s Digital Underground A few of the more prominent financial bloggers. Illustrations by Matthew Woodson The Amiable Skeptic Barry Ritholtz was a pioneer when he launched the Big Picture in 2003 using the beta version of blogging software, Word Press. He’s a levelheaded bear with a knack for seeing through the statistical…
Is BankersBall Extinct?
Is the all-about-investment-bankers website BankersBall the latest victim of the credit crisis? If so, isn’t it the most deserving victim left? Hardcopy relics of the Age of Free Money have ceased publication this year and the world hasn’t quite stopped spinning on its axis. Trader Monthly, one of the douchiest rags ever printed, ran out of money sometime in…
What Your Favorite Blogs Said at the Bottom
The S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average bottomed out at around 666 and 6500 respectively on Friday, March 6th of 2009. Just for fun, and because it’s been too hot to go outdoors, I thought I’d take a look back at what my favorite financial bloggers were talking about as we stared into the…
TRB Interviewed on Behind The Spread
Haven’t had your fill of smart alecky Wall Street commentary from yours truly this week? I gave an interview to Hiro Takei of Behind The Spread, a great new site loaded with interviews of Wall Street personalities. He asked some really interesting questions about being in the business and keeping up to speed with the…