Social Media-Inspired Outfits

I absolutely love the creativity and execution on this post from B for Bel.  They’ve taken all your favorite social media apps and put together women’s wardrobes based on them… How cool was that? Source: B for Bel hat tip Tom B    

Alan Abelson's Bad-News Bulls

Having read his column for over 15 years, I can tell you definitively that Alan Abelson is at his best when writing on a Friday afternoon during which the market is in its classic summer lethargy give-up mood, which is exactly what transpired at the end of this week.  Somewhere between Schadenfreude Street and I-Told-You-So…

A Former Marine's Plea for Common Sense on Gun Control

Ladies and Gentlemen, below is a guest post from former US Marine, current financial analyst and my friend Brennan Keeter.  He’s written something about gun ownership, control and common sense just for us, he felt it was important to get this out there. Tonight on the news you will be treated to the spectacle of…