Frequently Asked Questions

Hi everyone, hope you’re all enjoying Labor Day weekend.  I wanted to take a moment to welcome all the new visitors who’ve arrived through the link from I’m pretty amazed and flattered that they put me on the homepage of Yahoo this weekend and I appreciate all of you who’ve arrived here for the…

Wall Street Strategists: They’re Just Like Us!

Sometimes they’re right, sometimes they’re wrong and sometimes they’re photographed coming out of a Trader Joe’s with a wet head and pajama bottoms on, sunglasses barely concealing their embarrassment as they stuff three grocery bags filled with those amazing ice cream cookie sandwiches into the trunk of a Chevy Tahoe. But I find their work…

The Bernanke Nip Slip

By now you may have read hundreds if not thousands of blog posts and columns covering Ben Bernanke’s address at Jackson Hole yesterday.  I was, mercifully, far away from a computer screen or a TV so I escaped almost all of the “real-time” “coverage”. But in combing through the reports this morning, I’ve found all…

Bill Bishop’s Sinocism Newsletter – Your Window Into China

Bill Bishop (@niubi on Twitter) is one of the most important voices in the financial blogosphere on all things China. If the name sounds familiar to you, Bishop was one of the co-founders of MarketWatch prior to its sale to Dow Jones. He’s spent decades visiting and living in China and also writes the blog…

The Epitome of Why Pitchfork Sucks

I’ve been reading and reacting to Pitchfork’s reviews of new music since the site first appeared.  And in general, it’s helped me find some great things with only a few misses along the way (I’m sorry but Grizzly Bear is unlistenable and the Fiery Furnaces is not actually even music).  But overall, it became my…