$41.8 Trillion

Know what that number is? The entire pool of financial assets in the United States – a combination of bank accounts, brokerage accounts, mutual fund assets and retirement plan assets. This number is carved out of the gross $72.2 trillion in US household assets (including real estate). Netting out all household debt, US households have…

Technicians Starting to Growl

Last week the S&P dropped 2.2%, it’s worst weekly fall since June when the summer rally took off. The Nasdaq has been trashed as well. I wouldn’t say that the technicians I follow have gotten completely bearish just yet, but signals from the last month have had them at the very least practicing their growls….

The Simple Question That Answers All

Will the market keep rallying? Yes, if earnings – real and estimated – begin turning higher again. Otherwise, the rally is dead or on ice until profit growth resumes. My guess is we’ve come as far as we could have on improving sentiment and Fed-driven multiple expansion for the major averages. Now we’ll see if…

Market Recon: 10/15/2012

Stephen J. Guilfoyle “Sarge”, is the U.S. Economist at Meridian Equity Partners since 2007. Stephen joined Meridian after a long career at Credit Suisse. Stephen has worked on the trading floor of the NYSE continuously since July 1987 and actively serves as a Sergeant in the National Guard. *** Good Morning, There were more than…