And then Ray Dalio built a Hedge Fund Disneyland

If you’re serious about investing and asset allocation, then Ray Dalio has to be one of your heroes, intellectually speaking. He just has to be. If you’re an investor in Bridgewater, however, now is the time that I’d be getting a bit worried. Because Bridgewater, you see, is about to build a theme park of…

Market Recon: 10/17/2012

Stephen J. Guilfoyle “Sarge”, is the U.S. Economist at Meridian Equity Partners since 2007. Stephen joined Meridian after a long career at Credit Suisse. Stephen has worked on the trading floor of the NYSE continuously since July 1987 and actively serves as a Sergeant in the National Guard. *** Good Morning, It’s Wednesday….you’re getting there….

361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing

361 Capital portfolio manager, Blaine Rollins, CFA, previously manager of the Janus Fund, writes a weekly update looking back on major moves, macro-trends and economic data points. The 361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing summarizes the latest market news along with some interesting facts and a touch of humor. 361 Capital is a provider of alternative…

You Can’t Be Half a Gangster

That was the tagline for this season’s Boardwalk Empire, but a fitting reminder on a day such as this one, when one of our Too Big To Fail banking elite throws in the towel. Vikram Pandit inherited quite a mess at Citigroup and to his credit, he did manage to keep the wheels from falling…

Quick Guide to 4G Internet Service

5 bars: Pretty good shot you can surf the web. Expect buffering on videos, except during the pre-roll commercials,  which inexplicably run smoothly no matter what. 4 bars: Only sites you don’t actually need for work will function properly. 3 bars: Easier to yell a friend’s name at the top of your lungs than get…

an end and a beginning

“This is either a door or a wall for me, a beginning or an end.” The other day I wrote about this door or wall conundrum while in the process of making several behind the scenes changes in my career and daily routine. When I hit what felt like a wall this late summer, it…