33 Times, You Poor Dumb Bastards

I’m going to say this here and now for posterity and I hope you bookmark it: There’s going to be such a brutal bond investor slaughter at some point over the next decade that the streets of Boston’s mutual fund district will run red with blood, the skies will be shot through with the lightning…

Apple is Fine. As Always.

This is one of those cases where I’d say to skip the blogosphere and just read the journalists who actually know what they’re talking about. Because bloggers are desperate to have something “insightful” or controversial to say about Apple and its earnings. The reality is that the best company in the world just reported yet…

The Demographic Cliff

The aging of the developed world’s workforce is the cliff no one’s talking about. It’s very bad, we’re going to have these upside-down pyramids in the largest economies where the working age people are supporting a growing pool of their non-working elders. This is why I am for the immediate implementation of death panels. I’ll…

“Our Real Benchmark Is Responsibility”

Real quick, I want to thank everyone who came out for drinks last night in LA. I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of my peers who work as investment advisers and asset managers from the area and it was amazing how much we all have in common despite our geographic differences. One topic…

Pitchfork’s Number One Troll

I did a post about how ludicrous Pitchfork’s reviews have become and the response from fellow indie music aficionados was way bigger than I had thought it would be. I would say the emails were 4 to 1 in agreement with me. But one guy, a reader of mine who works in finance, took it…

Inside the Dow’s 885 Point Rally This Year

Some fascinating insights from Nicholas Colas, ConvergEx Group chief market strategist, about which stocks got it done for the Dow this year and why understanding the winners is important into year end. Nicholas says that the theme that has driven this year’s winners (mainly the relative strength of the US consumer versus the world) must…

Guest Post: Dow Transports in the Digital Age

Josh here – one of the most controversial aspects of the recent rally has been the non-confirmation of the Dow Transports, something that Dow Theorists and many technicians would want to see to “validate” any breakout to new highs. The idea is that the Dow Industrials make the goods and then the Dow Trannies move…