Advice for Dylan the Daytrader

There’s a tremendously depressing in-depth article at the Washington Post centered around a group of daytraders in southern Florida that’s been pinging around the financial blogosphere all weekend. It’s focused on one of these traders, a 25-year old named Dylan who seems to  have had better than average luck so far and is, at the…

Johnny Cash’s ‘Things To Do Today!’

This is one of those legendary artifacts that perfectly sums up the heart and soul of the man it’s connected to. Johnny Cash wrote this up for himself one day decades ago and it somehow managed to survive. In 2010, it was sold at auction for $6250 to a collector. The “To Do” items themselves…

SNV: Vampire Weekend Returns!

Welcome to Saturday Night Video. Five years ago a preppy little band from the northern borders of Manhattan (Columbia University) burst onto the indie scene wearing v-neck sweaters and playing alternative rock with a Graceland-esque overlay of AfroPop and no one quite knew what to make of it. They were college-aged white kids and their…

The End is Where We Start From

What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. – T.S. Eliot John Hilsenrath, Wall Street Journal reporter and the Fed’s unofficial media mouthpiece, was said to have become irrelevant the moment the ink was dry on QE…