Notes from the PIMCO Investment Summit with Mohamed El-Erian

I’ve heard just about all of the great investors of our time speak by now and suffice it to say that the bar for me to be impressed is pretty high. But PIMCO’S CEO and Co-CIO Mohamed El-Erian was spectacular this morning at the 2013 Investment Summit in New York City. In my mind, no…

Chills n’ Wrath

Welcome to the rest of 2013. I certainly hope you’ve made some money in the first five months of the year (which was not hard to have done), because the environment seems to be changing. Before I continue, I want to remind you that this is a forecast-free blog, we only discuss what is happening…

PragCap’s Strategy Cycle Chart

I love this so much I had to nick it from my friend Cullen’s site. You’re not completely immune to this kind of behavior nor am I, keep it real. The key is to recognize this happening and to be bigger than it, above it: In 2009 buy and hold died. Almost everyone became a…

Chasing Like a Pro

Put it this way, this is not the sign of a bottom or a young bull market… From Barron’s: Major hedge funds are reportedly buying, or have bought, massive amounts of Standard & Poor’s 500 index calls in the over-the-counter options market. The calls would increase in value if the index, now at about 1,664,…

Are Treasurys Double-Bottoming?

Chartered Market Technician Chris Burba brings up an interesting possibility today in the below chart of 10-year treasury bond futures – could we be witnessing a double-bottom for bonds? And if so, what are the implications? (click to embiggen!) Source: @ChrisBurbaCMT