Investment Advice

Schiff’s listeners call in wanting to know how to prepare. Mike from St. Lucia asked about a $1 trillion treasure allegedly hidden in a New Mexico mountain, that if found would make a dent in the national debt. “We don’t have that much time” to discuss such theories, Schiff said. Ellen from New York asked…

Turney Duff’s Insider Trading 101

Former hedge fund guy turned tell-all memoirist Turney Duff has a post up today detailing the casual atmosphere in which insider trading was once able to flourish. His years in the game mostly pre-date the recent insider trading crackdown, but for what it’s worth, here’s his Insider Trading 101 rules: One of the many things…

Lifestyle ETFs and investment products based on belief systems

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is fine, I’m not here to pick on people who genuinely believe they can do good in this world by virtue of which stocks their mutual fund refuses to own. Whatever, it’s a harmless delusion (even if it has very little real-world impact and is probably a higher-fee scam in disguise…

Show me the Mania

Let’s see if we can reconcile the overwhelming amount of bullishness for US stocks amongst active participants with the incredible amount of pessimism from the rest of the country. Most professionals and investors who trade their brokerage accounts frequently are bullish right now – the surveys say it as do the fund flows as do…

Stocks have stopped caring about earnings

Stocks have stopped caring about earnings trends. And no, this isn’t a one or two month phenomenon, it’s an ongoing trend that may be nearing an end – it couldn’t possibly become more stretched. Here’s FactSet (emphasis mine): During the month of October, analysts lowered earnings estimates by 1.5% in aggregate for the fourth quarter…

Rearranging Your Thoughts on Which Sectors are “Risky”

Earlier this year, everyone in investment universe seemed to be plowing money into funds and products marketing the low volatility anomaly. There were a host of new “low-vol” strategies launched and a handful of ETFs, all of them showing the decades-long superiority of low beta strategy. Those with a quantitative background immediately recognized what was…

Lo Siento

”Bank on the trends and don’t worry about the tremors.” – J. Paul Getty It’s absolutely true that most developments in the market are totally irrelevant and most of the stuff people are writing and talking about is more interesting than it is actionable. That includes many of the links and stories you’ll find on this site…

the only rules are there are no rules

A quick lesson about what’s supposed to happen and what will actually happen, contained in a handful of tweets… Airline stocks up 9% last month and 28% year-to-date, the second best performing industry group of 2013. And look ma, no ETF. — Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) November 2, 2013   Metals & Mining stocks are…