“Opportunity Abounds”

Completely honored that Barron’s has republished my Two-Word Investment Outlooks pice over the weekend. Got a bunch of calls and emails about it from my peers in the asset management and investing biz – for our thing, a Barron’s mention is still the pinnacle… Joshua M. Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, has a good…

A Short-Selling Lesson from SAC

Dasan was one of the original members of the financial Twitter gang and had also been one of the better early investment bloggers. He doesn’t write very often these days but when he does it’s typically because he has something insightful to pass along. Back in the day, Dasan had spent a bunch of time…

Ben Bernanke as Today’s Michael Milken

This weekend’s Barron’s contains an excellent Up and Down Wall Street column from Kopin Tan concerning the vast similarities between this moment in market time and the middle of the 1980’s. In addition to the pop culture references (Shoulder pads are back! Japan is ascendant, etc) he cites the spike in 80’s era takeover tactics,…

On spinning one’s wheels

I talked to a friend of mine this past week who’s nailed just about all of the hottest trades and the best-performing stocks of the year so far. But his returns are far below what you would think they’d be given the names he’s involved with (LNKD, FB, TSLA, GMCR, Z, CELG etc). He thinks…

This Week on TRB

Here were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them: Hugh Hendry Throws in the Bearish Towel Now what? The Highest Conviction Game Editor’s Note  One for the scrap book  Cartoon by Adam Zygus, the Buffalo News