Andrew Thrasher on Market Breadth

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of advance/decline, new highs vs new lows and other internals to get a read on how markets are acting beneath the surface of the indices. It’s not that this information is always actionable (at least not for me), it’s that it often offers clues as to market…

re: Safe Portfolio Assets

“So how did my safe portfolio do this year?” Treasury Bonds down 15% Physical Gold down 25% Gold Miner Equities down 55% “Oh.” — Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 8, 2013   One year’s safety trade is another year’s banana peel. Throw all of your definitions in the garbage if they’re not flexible.

This Year’s Trash, Next Year’s Treasure?

My friend Larry McDonald is out with a year-end piece at Forbes that looks at a very interesting phenomenon we often see each December – once the tax-selling pressure abates from losing stocks in one calendar year, they can often go on to become the following year’s grand slams… Yet those who bought fear at…

The “Perfect” Jobs Report

Last week we were down four days straight on the S&P 500 going into the Friday non-farm payrolls report and the bears were finally feeling some breathing room. The jobs report print sucked all that oxygen out of the room as stocks erased just about the entire drawdown in eleven seconds after getting the number…

TRB Picks – December 2013

Pulled some items that caught my eye at my fave online style shop, Fancy. Buy ’em for yourself or as gifts, I don’t care…   Can’t go wrong with the Bean Boots this winter. Unless you live in SoCal, in which case you’ll look like an escaped mental patient. I’m feeling the thick wool caps…