Get To Know The Aleph Blog's John Davidson Saga

I just concluded a marathon session of catch-up reading on several blogs, but one particular post stopped me dead in my tracks. The Aleph Blog’s David Merkel concluded his John Davidson series with a bang this week and if you haven’t been exposed to this fantastic insurance company allegory, I strongly recommend you set aside…

Congrat's to Jamie Dimon, On Time's 100 Most Influential List

Magazine editors love making lists for the simple reason that people love buying magazines that contain lists.  Everyone loves a ranking, even a nonsensical ranking, like a list of the most influential people in the world. Time Magazine put out its World’s Most Influential 100 People in 2009 list this week and as usual, the…

Hot Links: Charlie, AOL, J Crew, MLB, Schumer & Biden

Hot Links for Weekend Reading Let’s start off with The Daily Beast’s Charlie Gasparino‘s take on the BofA/ Ken Lewis/ John Thain showdown.  Thain went off on his former boss but Charlie stayed neutral: “Watching these guys go at it is kind of like watching old World War II footage of battles between Germans and…

TGIF Market Recap: Sail Away with the Shippers

[youtube=] The Reformed Broker, AKA Captain Dry Bulk, here with today’s Market Recap… Quiet day on The Street today overall, but the China-related stuff was on fire.  Aluminum, Building Materials and Steel names were all up nicely as of mid-day, but the show-stopper was the shipping sector in light of the DryShips (DRYS) earnings beat….

Warren & Becky Sittin' In A Tree…

It’s springtime, so that can only mean one thing…yes, Becky Quick is in position for another Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting in Omaha. Let the lovefest begin. As sure as the Swallows return to Capistrano each year, Becky and her camera crew will show up for their standing hotel reservation deep in the heart of Buffett…

Sell in May and Go Away…I just may, eat some hay, and lay by the bay

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2454003&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Should investors heed the phrase “Sell in May and Go Away” this year? If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last 30 years or so, its that any advice that rhymes is guaranteed to be true and is automatically good to follow.  Think about it: “Beer before liquor, never sicker” “An apple…

Market Recap: Punks Jump Up…

[youtube=] The Reformed Broker, AKA Kool G Wrap, here with today’s Market Recap… The Chrysler bankruptcy had virtually zero impact at the open and the Dow quickly gained a triple digit head of steam.  As the day wore on, however, stocks faded and profits were taken.  Speculative juices vanished and as Brand Nubian said, Punks Jumped…

Who's Who of Financial Bloggers

Who’s Who in the World of Financial Bloggers?  Well, if finance blogdom was a high school, here are the extra-curricular activities your favorite bloggers would be involved with…   1.  A.P. Economics Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Mish (Global Trend Analysis) Anonymous (Calculated Risk) Boone, Johnson & Kwak (Baseline Scenario) Yves Smith & Co. (Naked…

Ken Lewis: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

[youtube=] With Ken Lewis just voted out as Chairman by Bank of America shareholders, how long will he stick around as CEO? With apologies to the late Joe Strummer, here’s Kenny doing his rendition of The Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” ____________________________________________ Voters, you gotta let me know Should I stay or…

Market Recap: Explosive Rally…Yawn

The Reformed Broker, AKA Pedro Cerrano, here with today’s Market Recap… Either the bulls brought their “A” Game or the bears forgot to set their alarms, ’cause the action today was up from the open, with the DJIA up roughly 2% all day.  Here’s the 3:30 look at the Dow: As of the close, we…