A longer term look at stocks and their valuations.
The Quotron
Some of my favorite quotes of the week.
The China Gold Bluff
Their silence is deafening.
The Last 'Daniel Plainview' is a Bakken Shale Oil Man
Throwbacks to an earlier time in our oil entrepreneurial history.
Inflationistas Still Can't 'Produce The Body'
Nothing doing on the inflation front with May’s CPI.
Hot Links: The Medium Lebowski
Links, everybody!
Congress Debates 'Fiduciary Standard' For Brokers This Week
What will the final outcome be for Wall Street professionals?
Market Miyagi Says Risk On, Risk Off
Yes, Sensei!
Hot Links: The Impossible Has Happened
Links. Now.
Trader Takeaways for Obama's Oval Office Address
What the market is listening for tonight.