"China's Predators" and the Immaturity Factor
“They are predators with short-term horizons, looking to grab some OPM from stupid US-ians who are naively charmed by a highly manipulated growth story.”
I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now
The banks, they’re rolling over hard here. There are disagreements as to why…
Stockpicking is Hard
Stockpicking is hard. Even for the best stockpickers who’ve ever played the game.
Hot Links: Destructive Myths
Your morning financial links, pipin’ hot
How NBA Owners Lost $300 Million this Year
An incredible season for NBA fans, a horrific one for the league’s owners.
Bloggers as the Conscience of Wall Street
We are market professionals and we are blogging about our industry in a very personal way. We are the conscience of Wall Street.
Crowdsourcing the Constitution in Iceland
Iceland is one of the great failed states of modern times, so completely wrecked that they may now have the opportunity to do something truly amazing.
Saturday Night Video: Larry Crowne
Howard Goes Forth