Your morning financial odds and ends.
The Law of Unintended Consequences, Part 657
Between the structured products, the private REITs and the equity-linked annuities that are everywhere you look now, I fear that individual investors are once again marching themselves into a black hole in the name of yield.
How Many Stockbrokers Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?
Apple's iBook Mafia Move
You wanna read something on the iPad? Apple gets its piece, period.
A Reminder – Where Your Taxes Go
Media: The Debt Ceiling and You
Please Stop with the 1995 Debt Ceiling Crisis Comparison
The “crisis” is really one that is manufactured and meant to determine which ideology is going to control the heart and soul of America going forward.
Heartbreaking Tales from the Great Recession
John Edwards’s “Two Americas” rhetoric would’ve resonated nicely for 2012. Too bad he’s a Chucky doll-esque sociopath.
Hot Links: New Levels of Ludicrous
Your morning finance links, exquisitely curated.
QOTD – Evan Newmark on Eric Cantor
“The debt-ceiling negotiations are coming down to brinksmanship…”