Nike didn’t invent the concept (just like Apple didn’t invent the MP3 store), they just came out and did it better than anyone.
Saturday Night Video: Get It & Go
about that SOPA backdown…
Celebrity Price Per Tweet
The weirdest thing about the rumor that Kim Kardashian gets paid $10,000 for a Twitter endorsement is that it’s true.
2011's Export Story
2011 was not a good year economically-speaking…unless you were an American company selling things overseas. In that case, you were involved with one of the few bright spots in the total picture.
Portlandia: Cool Wedding
20 Best Alternative Financial Blogs
Don’t miss John Carney’s list of the 20 best “Alternative Financial Blogs” over at CNBC NetNet.
Today's Lesson in Three Parts
1. Don’t buy penny stocks
Throwback: Luchini (1997)
CANADIANS: I'll Be on BNN at 3:30 Today
TV Appearance.