What’s happening with the market? The same thing every day to varying degrees – a three-way tug o’ war between the triumvirate of pressing issues du jour. The below paragraph comes from MarketWatch this morning but you will see the exact same thing printed in every market article at every news site from now through…
John Hempton on Spotting Potential Frauds to Short
“Once a scumbag always a scumbag.”
Sweet Child O' Mine 2012 (Axl-Free)
"The Greatest Adventure"
Tales from Lindzonpalooza
What I learned this weekend at Lindzonpalooza.
Repeat After Me: There is No Such Thing as the Oil to Gas Ratio
Best of TRB 2012 (so far)
Diggin’ in the crates
Michael Santoli on the Coming ConocoPhillips Split
The Barron’s columnist and I see eye to eye on COP.
San Diego Bound
I am presently headed to JFK for a direct flight to San Diego this morning.
Love is an Amazon Book Review
If you liked it and you want to make sure more people read it, the best way to show your love is a book review.