What’s really interesting is that the law firm has essentially made the classic mistake that most of the failing financial firms made leading up to the credit crisis – a mismatch between long-term liabilities and short-term funding…
Fox & Friends Makes Me Wanna Smoke Crack
Hiding 'The Scream' from the Nazis
“The Scream,” one of the most recognizable paintings in the world, which sold this week at Sotheby’s for $120 million, could have been lost to the Nazis…
Krugman vs the WSJ Editorial Page, Round 127
“many people – including people with real money at stake – consider the WSJ a reliable source and people like, well, me flaky and unbelievable.”
Coldplay Tribute to Adam Yauch Last Night
Adam Yauch's 1980's New York
“And you could just sample a Led Zeppelin record? That was O.K.?”
Investors are Net Sellers of $377 Billion in Stocks and Bonds Each Year
When people ask “where’s the volume” in the public markets, I try to explain that there are several factors responsible for the dearth. One factor that I never hear mentioned is that the public’s predilection is to own index ETFs or mutual funds instead of buying individual stocks and bonds. They’ve learned that it rarely…
Namaste, Adam
Namaste, Adam and thank you for everything.
Throwback: No Sleep Til Brooklyn (1987)
April Non Farm Payrolls Miss Expectations – My Full Coverage