Move to where your audience is – mentally, geographically, aesthetically. Go where you’re wanted.
How to Crash the US Economy
Take, for instance, the Kentucky Sarah Palin hoedown where a reporter witnessed a roomful of medicare recipients and obesity poster-children riding around on taxpayer-funded scooters, screaming about the government and, of course, the evils of Barack Obama (who obviously got us into this mess in the first place).
Remember the Titans (of Brokerage)
don’t miss the Investment News forgotten brokerage titans piece, complete with snappy profiles of EF Hutton, Benedict Gruntal and more!
Bear Calls are the Hardest (and Easiest) to Make
One other thing about bearish calls is that they have a longer shelf life than bullish calls
Michael Santoli on What it Will Take to Bring Investors Back to Stocks
A longer, calmer climb in the market is likely what will be required.
Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food and oxygen. The stubborn retention of it, even in the face of extreme physical hardship, can hold a man’s soul in his body long past the point at which the body should have surrendered it.
Saturday Night Video: Ho Hey
Your "Buying Buttons"
It’s a cocktail, the thought process is that everyone has their “buy buttons” and it’s just a question of pushing the right one.
Mark Hulbert Gets Medieval on Facebook's Valuation
Assuming Facebook’s revenue grows just as fast, and given that the company’s latest-year revenue was $3.71 billion, its annual revenue in five years’ time will be $11.58 billion.
Piper's Gene Munster Previews the Apple TV Product