
Festival of Stocks #146: Freak Show!

Welcome to this week’s Festival of Stocks (#146), right here on The Reformed Broker.  For those of you who are visiting my site for the first time, welcome to the twisted world of TRB! The Festival of Stocks is a Blog Carnival, meaning it travels to a new hosting site each week and it smells…

Smart Balance: It's Like Buttah…Maybe

I’ll start by saying that this is not a post that contains any investment advice.  I do not make specific recommendations or market calls to anyone through The Reformed Broker. In this piece, I’ll be discussing the merits of one small cap company that I consider to have a very interesting story.  It could double…

Ben Stein on Father's Day in the Times

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2777472&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Happy Father’s Day to all my readers and their dads. My gift today was a babysitter so I can go see The Hangover in the theater with Mrs. TRB. Just caught this article in the New York Times business section this morning, it’s Ben Stein musing on what his father would have thought…

The Tehran Video That Made Me Care

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2773213&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] I get it now. Took me a week or so to catch on to why everyone’s avatar was green on Twitter and why everyone really gave a damn. The two leaders involved in the contested election looked like Coke and Pepsi to me. But now I’m starting to care. Here’s an explanation from…

What Obama's "Brokers As Fiduciaries" Change Really Means

In Obama‘s new regulatory reform proposal, there is language concerning how brokers are looked at and treated versus investment advisors. From the Wall Street Journal: Currently, brokers are only required to offer investments that are “suitable,” which means they can’t put clients in inappropriate investments, such as a highly risky stock for an 80-year-old grandmother….

Market Recap: Story Time

  The Reformed Broker, here with today’s Market Recap… Quadruple Witching Options Expiration day…Yawn. Oil was lower and so, in our deflationary environment, so were most stocks. Techs looked weak all day off the Research In Motion (RIMM) results from last night. Thanks for reading this week, tune in tomorrow for Hot Links.  Good night!

Market Recap: All In? Nahhhhh.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2759320&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]   The Reformed Broker, AKA Butchie Yost, here with today’s Market Recap… How many of y’all went All In today, like The Grouch & Eligh, with the Dow up give or take 70 this afternoon? That’s what I thought.  No one seems to have any conviction that this week’s pullback has brought us back…

Bankruptcy Epitaphs 2009

Lots of high profile bankruptcies in 2009 and we’re only at the halfway point… I wrote and designed a few tombstones for our fallen corporations.  Here are The Reformed Broker’s Bankruptcy 2009 Epitaphs: Eddie Bauer Rest In Peace Too Bad Nobody Would Buy Your Fleece Six Flags 1961 – 2009 You Must Be This Tall…

Market Recap: Regulate

    [vodpod id=Groupvideo.2752577&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]   The Reformed Broker, AKA Nate Dogg, here with today’s Market Recap… In honor of President Obama’s massive Wall Street regulations overhaul today, I thought we’d get started with the classic West Coast joint Regulate by Warren G. Today was one of those ping pong days here on The Street, without…

Cody Drops the "F" Bomb Again…Fascism

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2751021&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] The above video, from April, is a great example of the ridicule that Democrats are heaping on anyone who disagrees with President Obama’s continuation of the Republican bailout scheme.  Both parties are complicit in this unprecedented wealth transfer, but the left only disliked it when it was a Bush/Paulson phenomenon.  For the record,…