
Memo: Changes at CNBC Following Comcast Merger

—–Original Message—– From: CNBC Corporate Communications [mailto: all] Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 7:32 AM To: All Subject: Exciting Synergy Opportunities With Comcast Greetings Gang, By now, I’m sure you’ve all heard that our parent company’s flirtation with Comcast has moved past the necking phase and we’ve now agreed to go all the way.  I…

Bank of America: "I Told Ya I Was Good For It"

What a way to make an exit! From DealBook: Bank of America said late Wednesday that it would repay its entire $45 billion in government bailout money before the end of the year…“We appreciate the critical role that the U.S. government played last fall in helping to stabilize financial markets, and we are pleased to…

Blogger Backlash to the Backlash Begins

Let’s say that you’re a market commentator or financial blogger… If earlier this year you predicted that unemployment would climb higher than 10% and that the market would be crushed, would you now be considered half-right or half-wrong by your followers?  Will you be rewarded for nailing the unemployment number or hated for keeping readers out…

Market Rallies Without the Banks

Did you happen to notice that today’s triple digit rally happened without the banks? JPMorgan cut estimates on its peers in financialville and no one seemed to care. Here’s what some of the Money Center banks did on the day: Laggards in Price Performance (Intraday) SUNTRUST BANKS [sti] -1.82% T C F FINANCIAL CORP [tcb]…

The Biggest Market Call of the Decade

Yes, I’m about to give props to Goldman.  Deal with it. The single biggest, most profitable market call of the last decade was made in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill, then working at none other than Goldman Sachs.  The call was made in Global Economics Paper #66 aka “Building Better Global Economic BRICs” and it…

Help to Defeat the Mindless Trader Tax

There’s a petition online to oppose the so-called Trader Tax bill (H.R. 1068, also known as the “Let Wall Street Pay for Wall Street’s Bailout Act of 2009“). James “Rev Shark” DePorre (a professional trader and columnist for TheStreet.com) has collected over 30,000 signatures and over 60,000 letters and emails have gone to congress so…

How the Stock Market is Like My 3 Year Old Daughter

I’m finding a great deal of similarity recently between the stock market and my 3 year old daughter. They both: Like shiny silver and gold things Throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want (low interest rates, lollypops etc.) Are easily bored, always in search of new toys/games Usually take a nap between noon…