Your morning links, come and get ’em!
Joshua M Brown
Media: Fast Money Appearance
TV Appearance.
Dead and Dying Industries
Just think, things could be worse – you could own a record store.
Bernanke Represent
Some thoughts on Bernanke’s decision to hold quarterly press conferences.
El Cisne Negro
Over the weekend, the government finally succeeded in getting Vale, the world’s largest iron ore miner, to kick CEO Roger Agnelli out of the company…
Hot Links: Stupid Tradebots
Your morning links, piping hot just like you want them.
about those bank stocks…
Talking Social Media with Lou Kerner
A conversation with Wall Street’s first social media analyst.
Dr. Dre – I Need a Doctor
Reality Check for the Big Bounce
Even after the fastest doubling for the S&P 500 since the Depression, there are still many walking wounded…