Gold is more like a drug than it is like money…
Joshua M Brown
Hot Links: Blowouts and Battlefields
All the best financial links to start your day, come on over!
Media: Is News Corp Another BP Trade?
Senators on How Great They Are re: Bipartisan Debt Deal
A deal is coming and the Senators are very pleased with themselves.
Pie Guy Has No Respect for Camera Angles
Media: Debt Ceiling Fears vs Secular Growth
Disclaimers and the Charlie Brown Syndrome
In my latest piece at the Wall Street Journal, I look at exactly this conundrum…
Extra! Extra! Gold Decouples from Stocks
Now I understand that this chart may be somewhat controversial…
53% of Republicans on Debt Ceiling Deadline: BFD
Hot Links: Economic Miracle
Morning money links, exquisitely curated.