Joshua M Brown
Here's Why You Don't Fall Asleep at a Comedy Club
Does Charlie Munger Have a Secret Small Cap Stock?
I have a very special treat for you this morning…
Hot Links: Spaceship HQ
The morning links you need to read.
Stock Market Crashes Do Not Predict Recessions
Stock crashes get everyone talking about recession – but it turns out that since 1951, the majority of big one-day crashes have taken place during economic recoveries.
The Danger of Dilettante Hedge Fund Managers
The lesson of the Peter Thiel story is that making billions of dollars is not the same as running a billion dollars.
The Pain of Running Money in the Public Eye
Bruce Berkowitz of the Fairholme Fund is the Matthew McConaughey of the mutual fund game – he had a huge run in the 2000’s but is now known mainly for how often he loses his shirt.
Euro Growth – Now Officially an Oxymoron
Gross domestic product in the 17-nation euro area rose 0.2 percent in the second quarter of 2011
Hot Links: Permanent Zero
The best morning reads for your morning reading…
The Big Picture Conference, October 11th in NYC
I’ll be joining an all-star roster of speakers and panelists talking markets, media, technology and the economy.