Joshua M Brown

Investors Plagued by “Continuous Partial Attention”

I never miss a monthly issue of the Mutual Fund Observer, one of the most comprehensive, well put-together looks at the money management game you’ll find anywhere. As such, I was thrilled to see my new book Clash of the Financial Pundits mentioned by the eminent Professor David Snowball. He cite’s Tadas Viskanta’s take on…

Government vs Governance

Eric Peters via wkndnotes: Overall: “The focus should be on minimum government but maximum governance,” announced Narenda Modi, a fierce Hindu Nationalist, born the low-caste son of a tea stall owner. India’s 15th Prime Minister presides over the 1st parliamentary majority in 25yrs, paving the way for red-tape reform. Of course, India is the great hope…

Barclays: Solar is about to disrupt the utility industry

The corporate bond analysts at Barclays are now talking about the new paradigm of solar and energy storage becoming the first existential threat to the utility business in a hundred years. In Hawaii, as we’ve discussed, solar is already cost-competitive with the traditional grid and consumers are making the switch faster than the electric company…

This Week on TRB

May 23, 2014. Two bolts of lightning hit the antenna on top of One World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan as an electrical storm moves over New York. (Gary Hershorn—Corbis) Here were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them: Warren Buffett: These were my biggest early mistakes Brokers, Liquid Alts and…

Excerpt: The Myth of the Media Diet

My friend Tadas Viskanta at Abnormal Returns was kind enough to publish an excerpt from the first chapter of my new book, Clash of the Financial Pundits. In the chapter, The Myth of the Media Diet, I talk about why it’s unrealistic to think we can simply “turn out the noise” and why a strategy of…

Back to Chasing Bonds

Investors are back to doing what they do best this month – running after the thing that’s getting away from them, regardless of whether or not it’s in their best economic interest to do so. Here’s Yuriy Shchuchinov from Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Credit Strategy team: As interest rates continue to decline, mutual fund and…

Wells Fargo Broker’s potential Ponzi unraveling

This just in via SF Gate: A longtime Bay Area broker who resigned from Wells Fargo Advisors in January after it launched an investigation into suspicious activity in a customer account has been barred from the brokerage industry for life… But investors and an attorney representing them allege that Frew, 66, solicited millions of dollars from…