It’s a bit early but I already have my quote of the day. It comes from MarketWatch columnist Paul Farrell, whom I now regard as a genius. We’ve already predicted a 100% risk of a 50% crash in 2016, if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency. But if Mitch McConnell is re-elected and the GOP wins…
Joshua M Brown
Snap Judgments of Tech Product Launches
Here’s the stock market’s reaction to Apple’s massive roll-out of all new products and platforms today (via MoneyBeat): Shares surged as much as 4.8% to $103.08, pushed close to a fresh record high, and at one point, was on track for one of its best days of the year. The rally contrasted with Apple’s previous product…
Sector Performance During Rate Tightening Cycles
Savita Subramanian’s US Equity and Quant Strategy team at Merrill did some work on relative sector performance during interest rate tightening cycles recently. In the below table, she gives us a sense of which areas of the stock market tended to fare best and worst in the months leading up to and during the rate…
Failure is Not Predictive
Among the many treasures within the Market Wizards series of books by Jack Schwager (and they are legion) are the stories about failures. One of the most common threads running throughout his fifty some-odd interviews and four books is that everyone f***s up early in their careers. Really badly. The mistakes of these traders and…
Investors acting rationally
Investor behavior is one of the things I’m fascinated by. We go to great lengths on the site to point out the myriad (endless?) examples of how, en masse, the herd runs itself off whatever cliff happens to be nearby on a regular basis. But every once in awhile, you can find an example of large…
In which your boy gets the Tren Griffin treatment
If you’ve been clicking on my morning links posts over the last year, you’ve certainly been sent over to 25iq more than a few times. Blogger Tren Griffin has been doing a knockout series of posts in which he distills the wisdom of some of history’s greatest investors and executives into pithy lessons that are…
Who are the best hedge fund stock pickers in the world?
The team at Alpha Attribution has done a massive study in which it looked at the stock selection prowess of the entire hedge fund universe to determine who’s really earning that 2-and-20, independent of the broader indices. It’s a really interest idea: Stock picking starts with honesty. Let’s say you are a hedge fund manager…
Hot Links: You Missed a Trillion
Your morning financial links, expertly curated.
“Here are my best trades”
via Eric Peters at Peters Capital Group: “Here are my best trades, ordered from easiest to hardest,” said one of the top ranked macro CIOs, exchanging ideas. Draghi’s fairy dust had finally settled; he’d been pleasantly surprised, and killed it. “Buy European curve steepeners now, buy European risk assets, buy 5yr/5yr Spain versus short 20yr…
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed them: How Corporate Share Buybacks are Destroying America Safety Dance 2015 Will Be the Year of the Stockpicker! Yo Cartoon by Bruce Plante, Tulsa World