Joshua M Brown

The Power of Markets

One of the hallmarks of our investment approach is to respect the fact that markets are extremely powerful (though not infallible) as forecasting tools. On average, they do a pretty damn good job at incorporating all of the expectations for the future into current prices, adjusting on the fly with every headline and every trade….

Fed Removes ‘Patient’, Sparks Roman Orgy

I’d like to solve the puzzle… — Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) March 18, 2015 As of this posting, stocks are exploding higher as the FOMC pulls the word “patient” from its statement. You literally could not make this up if you tried, even if you worked for Saturday Night Live or Monty Python. Peter…

It never changes.

2015… For Uber to get to $40 billion or Airbnb to $20 billion, you’d need to get a little creative with the variables underlying that logic. Since private tech companies often lack earnings or enough historical data to inform projections—or, in the case of Snapchat, any significant revenue—investors can’t rely on the metrics available for public companies. If there…

Josh Brooks: Investors Should Be Reading Constantly

I heart this video and the idea presented here so much. Setting the pace at an investment firm so that people have the time to read and think about what they’ve read is so critical – and yet so few people in our industry give themselves the time to do so. Source: The Manual of…