Joshua M Brown
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
Yeah I said it…
Hot Links: Losing $10 Trillion
What I’m reading this morning
How two of history’s greatest investors deal with losses
It’s been a tough month for investors. As of yesterday, roughly half of the stocks in the S&P 500 have fallen into bear markets, with declines greater than 20%. International stock markets have fallen dramatically, with the losses accelerating on the heels of the latest Asian currency “event”. We’ve seen stuff like this before. There…
Appearance: Live in Scottsdale this December!
a new “headwind” is born
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 1.8% FX move cause such global consternation.
Do consumers spend more when gas prices are lower?
Chart o’ the Day: a punishing season for earnings misses
small world