What I’m reading this morning
Joshua M Brown
Let me help you out…
Let me help you out…
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What I’m reading this morning
Investors have been slowly figuring this out and using single-country ETFs for their EM exposure more than they’re doing the Brazil, Russia, India, China four-pack.
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
Epic Icahn Interview
After the Gold Rush
The Reformed Broker turns seven years old today.
Chart o’ the Day: the new 80/20 rule
God weighs in on interest rates
I have so many more questions. Can he hear me?
Preparing For a Downturn: Meet Ben Carlson in NYC!
Our head of Institutional Asset Management, Ben Carlson (of A Wealth Of Common Sense fame), will be meeting with investors in New York City during the week of November 17th.