If you’ve ever got a feeling coming over you that investors are learning from the past and behaving more rationally…
Joshua M Brown
re: Expected Stock Returns – from the RWM Client Conference Call
This week Barry and Michael put on our Q4 conference call for clients of Ritholtz Wealth Management. One of the most popular topics people are talking about right now is the fact that we shouldn’t be expecting much in the way of stock market returns going forward. People are saying this is because: Rates are headed…
Hot Links: Keeping Busy
What I’m reading this morning
♫ Hello From The Other Siiiiiiiiiiiiiide♫
Is everyone okay? Everybody’s arms and legs accounted for?
The Real Blow-Ups Happen Later
the difference between the stuff that blows up at the beginning of a rate hike cycle and the stuff that blows up at the end.
Chart o’ the day
How the Great Financial Crisis “Unleashed Hell” on Teachers
Anthony Isola tells the story of how school districts accidentally let conflicted vendors take over the retirement plans of our nation’s teachers:
Hot Links: End of an Era
What I’m reading this morning
The Major Difference Between Wall Street and a Casino
the polar opposite of the Vegas rules for survival
Hot Links: Raise Your Hand
What I’m reading this morning