If a government decides that there is a such thing as too much influence being held by a corporation, technology giant or otherwise, there is a risk to its shareholders.
Joshua M Brown
ICOs are where the frauds will take place
“I am calling bullshit on the ICO craze.”
The Only Living Boy in New York
I’ve got nothing to do today but smile…
How NYU teaches MBA Students about Bitcoin
Market Stats
Is Buffett’s “Dow One Million” Call Ludicrous?
“…a pirate’s life for me!”
Michael Bloomberg: Why does the stock market keep rising?
“You think about China … China used to be, made in China? A joke. Cheap stuff, I didn’t wanna use it. Today, made in China, quality.”
We certainly have the spending part down…
Oh boy
Okay, so my favorite band got discovered.
Oh well.
Hell Week
Cheers and have fun this week. I won’t!