Gary opens the Newport Beach, California office of Ritholtz Wealth Management on Newport Center Drive.
Joshua M Brown
Forgotten Again
Please read this and digest it.
This Week on TRB
These were the top posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
Sooner or Later…
Have a great weekend, and remember, there’s so much more to come…
Tales From The Crypt
My time among the anarcho-cryptologists.
New Avengers Trailer Hits!
A Moral Abomination: Saint Jack weighs in on tax proposal
If Bogle’s word isn’t good enough, I don’t know what to tell you.
Consensus: Invest – How to watch Howard and I via Livestream
I can’t promise that we’ll be breaking any new ground on the topic, but we will definitely make you laugh
It just got real.
You’ll tell the kids these stories for sure someday, even if you’re not sure about how the stories will end.
Secular Bull Takes Flight
Sick chart