The only thing that keep me calm in the presence of this sort of activity
Joshua M Brown
Dow 25,000
It’s all happening and it’s all worth remarking upon.
First Quarter Curriculum
Some links below.
QOTD: Bess Levin on the Market’s Mute Button
Wall Street has had this guy’s number since January 2017.
My first appearance at T3!
If you’re an advisor and would like to register, I have a discount code for you.
How do professional advisors start off 2018 vs amateur advisors who think they’re pros? I can speak to this from experience, having first been the latter and now surrounded by great examples of the former… Professionals take this opportunity to manage client expectations, pointing out that 2017’s returns were above average (by about triple) and…
The “I” Word
Not so absurd anymore.
Without her you would not have set out.
Last Two for 2017
last two links you shouldn’t miss…
Snowballing into 2018
The snowball is rolling fast now and with every passing day I can see the power of compounding taking effect