More evidence from the Recovery Apartheid
Joshua M Brown
Hot Links: Temporary Nation
Links for morning consumption. All killer, no filler.
Wall Street Uses Your Money To Lobby Against You. What.
What are you going to do about it? Probably nothing, because this has been going on for almost 2 years and you are busy DVRing True Blood and downloading apps that map out the closest Chipotle locations.
Aptronym of the Month: The Wyly Brothers
Those wily Wyly brothers even wrote a book about their “formula for success”.
The Money Market Piggybank is Shattered
I believe that the investor class is finally starting to pay regular expenses and cover the bills with their money market funds, turning that New Normal maxim about the coming of higher savings rates on its ear.
Even Greenspan Acknowledges the Recovery Apartheid
Greenspan agrees with me. Hold me, I’m scared.
Financial Reform Bill as Mere Inconvenience
Financial Reform Bill as Mere Inconvenience.
Hot Links: Big in Texas
Some stuff I’m reading today.
Saturday Night Video: My Abnormal Returns TV Interview
Talking finance and blogging with Tadas of Abnormal Returns.
I'm Really Into That New Jim Cramer Show On FX
Check out Louie on FX, a comedy/drama starring James Cramer, believe it or not.