Janet Yellen confirmed by the Senate, 10,000 doves ceremoniously released above the Capitol building. (WaPo)
Good-looking CEO’s get higher valuations on Wall Street. Because they are usually better people, after all, with more opportunities open to them and few troubles in life. (DealBook)
Cam Hui posits the possibility and risks of “catastrophic success” for the economic recovery. (HumbleStudent)
BlackRock chief strategist explains why a good economy is not always good for the stock market. (ETFTrends)
Some common sense from Carl – Never Mind the Predictions: What Did We Learn? (Bucks)
Larry Swedroe looks at the most and least successful approaches for value stock screening. (IndexUniverse)
Jay Yarow on Google’s employee evaluation system, which seems like an awesome idea that many companies should try. (BusinessInsider)
Goldman and JPMorgan telling investors to run from emerging markets (and they’re listening). (Bloomberg)
Brazil’s oil miracle turned out to be a big bust. (WaPo)
If RIA’s took a hippocratic oath, this is what it would look like. (RIABiz)
Why fear is an effective asset gathering strategy: Researches from Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania found study participants were more likely to seek out advice and less likely to determine if that advice was good or bad when they were made to feel anxious. (YourWealthEffect)
Las Vegas Sands’s Sheldon Adelson facing down the hedge fund backers of Caesar’s Acquisition Corp over online gaming, great read. (Forbes)
Support for legalized marijuana explodes across the country. (CNN)
Okay, Eliot Spitzer is just totally off the hook at this point, sucking toes whatnot… (NYP)
In case you didn’t already hate Johnny Manziel, this is his girlfriend: (SportsGrid)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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