Bond giants Dan Fuss and Bill Gross square off on the direction of Treasurys. (InvestmentNews)
No more aid for Greece, says Germany. And we’re taking away your Gameboy DS, too. (Spiegel)
Tom Brakke: What if you could hear all the investment conversations being held around the country? (ResearchPuzzle)
The bears are getting angry that their facts aren’t working on the ground (yet?). (Alhamabra)
Steve Randy Waldman highlights an important paper on The Great Moderation you’re going to want to read. (Interfluidity)
Have the global elite really squirreled away $13 trillion in secret accounts around the world? (Guardian)
Jason Zweig: “New research suggests that in order to avoid trading your accounts to death, you must counteract some of the very tendencies that make Homo sapiens the most intelligent of all species.” (WSJ)
The NBA expects corporate logos on team jerseys will generate up to $100 million for the league. (BleacherReport)
The Guardian is doing some really clever things with Twitter to boost readership and improve content. (NiemanLab)
The first episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s new show is online now, it co-stars Larry David! (ComediansInCarsGettingCoffee)
Nas’s new record Life is Good scores a great review on Pitchfork. (Pitchfork)
Scientists: “We took apart a rat and rebuilt it as a jellyfish.” Yeah I don’t know WTF that’s about… (TheAtlantic)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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