The risk-on run of the last three weeks has a name: The LTRO Rally. (FtAlphaville)
JC: Stocks have been rallying with a weakening euro – imagine it snaps back! (AllStarCharts)
Goldman tells clients to get short 10-year Treasurys ahead of the FOMC, here’s why: (ZeroHedge)
Could the switch to 4G mean 250,000 new American jobs? (BusinessInsider)
The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption (BrainPickings)
A list of strange animals we’ve created when things that shouldn’t smush are brought together. (DailyBeast)
These Jacob Riis photos of New York City during the Gangs of New York era will blow you away, we were an emerging market not long ago. (DailyMail)
Steven Rattner’s op-ed on the Dangerous Notion that Debt Doesn’t Matter. (NYT)
James Altucher: Telling the truth is the way to The Force. (AltucherConfidential)
Chris Brogan: 106 Excuses That Prevent You From Becoming Great. (ChrisBrogan)
The Fly: “The best thing that ever happened to me…was getting fired, by some fat shlub, early in my career. It took a little bit of time and dedication to exact my revenge; but I accomplished it severely– and he felt the heat from the fire of my soul when it happened.” (iBankCoin)
Don’t miss my daily linkfest for financial advisors this morning! (WSJFA)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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