Double good news for the emerging markets. (BusinessInsider)
About that asshole 1929 chart that’s been making the rounds. (PragCap)
Actually, emerging markets may not be as cheap as you’ve heard… (Morningstar)
iTunes is now up to $23 billion in revenues a year – that’s half of Google’s core business. If it were a standalone company, iTunes would be number 130 in the Fortune 500. (Asymco)
That viral video about Facebook being driven by fake likes is up to 900,000 views and I haven’t seen a single mention of it in the mainstream press yet. (TBP)
Speaking of Facebook – the new Twitter interface looks just like it. (Mashable)
As the SEC looks at the problems with HFT, it will see a lot of issues caused by its own policies. (DealBook)
Financial Advisor: My, oh myRA, what a misguided bureaucratic mess this will be (CNBC)
A third of all financial advisors will exit the business in the next decade. (BenefitsPro)
Pffff – “Power Brokers Think This Morgan Stanley Exec May Be ‘The Most Eligible Banker On Wall Street'” – on Wall Street, it’ll be 1996 forever. (BusinessInsider)
This should be great: “As high-speed stock traders push to trade ever faster, their newest move involves harnessing a technology that U.S. military jets use to communicate as they soar across the sky: lasers.” (WSJ)
John Maynard Keynes – an investing legend aside from all the economic theory. (NYT)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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