JPMorgan’s Tom Lee: Here are three reasons we’re getting another 5% on the S&P by year-end. (BusinessInsider)
The new Euro trainwreck on everyone’s radar is Italy – the perfect combination of high debt, high unemployment, disastrous political in-fighting and uncompetitive labor costs. (MoneyBeat)
“The problem with the media is that they are required to write articles each day, even when there is no real news to report.” (PunditTracker)
Here are the key dates you’ll want to be aware of re: government shutdown. (FTAlphaville)
Why newly-crowned Dow component Goldman Sachs (GS) looks to be headed for a breakdown. (iBankCoin)
Japanese manufacturing hits a post-Fukushima high. (BusinessInsider)
Many TV journos live in a bubble with regard to Jamie Dimon. I believe this is because he’s so charming, handsome and accomplished that it’s impossible for them to see the size of the fines or the sheer quantity of the bank’s transgressions. (Reuters)
Mark Cuban gets his day in court vs the SEC today re: a 9-year-old insider trading charge. (CNBC)
Jason Zweig: Paying too much attention to what others traders are doing is a sure way to get sucked up into a bubble. (MoneyBeat)
Destruction, volatility, and uncertainty – the three aspects of risk. (Morningstar)
A very important concept: “When you buy a stock, you are not just buying a piece of business, you are buying the current expectations about the future of this business.” (Ivanhoff)
70% of small businesses do not currently offer a 401(k) to their employees – here’s why they should reconsider. (WSJ)
What is the optimal amount of bond exposure for a portfolio? (BlackRock)
Major Al-Qaeda figures have begun to drop off the communications grid now that they know more about our surveillance efforts. (NYT)
This map explains why you’re better off losing your wallet in Helsinki than in Lisbon. (ZeroHedge)
Monetary policy independence is a myth – money has always been politicized in the United States. (TBP)
David Fricke freaks out over the new Arcade Fire record. (RollingStone)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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