Beijing’s big step forward: Invites corporations from around the world to bid on $55 billion worth of infrastructure projects alongside Chinese companies. (Reuters)
US energy stocks are crushing their overseas rivals. Because shale. (Bloomberg)
Another big step forward – the economic benefits / consequences of China ending its “One Child” policy in the coming year. (ZeroHedge)
This is pretty amazing if true – would-be insider trader buys a ton of shares of the wrong ticker symbol, scores anyway. (BronteCapital)
After 165 years of open outcry, the Chicago commodities pits are essentially done. (Reuters)
10 ways Wall Street plays you like a chump. (MarketWatch)
The inside juicy details about Tina Brown’s failed merger of Daily Beast and Newsweek. (NYT)
ICYMI: I don’t get this whole “investing for downside protection” thing – it seems like more of sales pitch for institutional eggheads than a viable strategy. (TRB)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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