JPMorgan, the Lindsay Lohan of banks, is in trouble with the regulators again. DUI? Theft? Hit and Run? Let’s find out: (NYT)
Chart Collection: Time to Fight the Fed? (Microfundy)
Enis Taner: The problem with story telling on Wall Street… (RiskReversal)
Initial Claims is still the world’s best stock market indicator say Joe (I say it’s coincident at best and not leading anything, but agree on the trend being pristine). (BusinessInsider)
‘Flation? “Cost of feeding a family of four: $146 to $289 a week” (USAToday)
Icahn versus Transocean (RIG) coming to a head. (ValueWalk)
Broadening top forming in the Russell small caps is attracting lots of attention. (PriceActionLab)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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