What I'm reading this morning:

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning…
Cam Hui: Discussing one’s investment process does not constitute offering advice. (HumbleStudent)
BlackRock fixed income chief on the Fed’s QE: “Enough already.” (TheTell)
Another take on Sell in May from Dan Greenhaus via the Weez. (BusinessInsider)
Is Jeff Gundlach a leading indicator? (InvestmentNews)
Russ Koesterich: Yes, last week’s data was disappointing, here are three actions you can take. (iSharesBlog)
Japan is the most interesting story in economics right now ever. (WaPo)
Nouriel and Jim Rickards have a Twitter bitchfight over gold. (BusinessInsider)
John Crudele: “Ben Bernanke must go. But he is also indispensable.” (NYP)
American Civil Engineers Society gives the nation a grade D on our infrastructure – are our bridges really falling down? (Bloomberg)
Has Facebook’s billion-dollar purchase of Instagram a year ago paid off? (CuriousCapitalist)
Bob Seawright on the nature of randomness. (AboveTheMarket)
Don’t miss The Takeaway, my daily linkfest for financial advisors (InvestmentNews)
REMINDER: Backstage Wall Street is now on Kindle!